Terminalia arjuna.

Terminalia Arjuna With Anti-Mutagenic Potential:

In the J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 2001;20:9-14 documents a study that indicates its anti-mutagenic or anti-cancer potential and advised to explore it further. Arjuna has compounds that protect against DNA damage from toxins. A substance in Arjuna, causrinin, inhibits breast cancer cell growth. Casuarinin from the Bark of T. arjuna Induces Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Breast Adenocarcinoma MCF-7 Cells.

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Tannins and triterpenes (The Phenolic fractions) in T. arjuna have been found to show antigenotoxic or antimutagenic effects.

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Terminalia Arjuna Reversing The Damage By Chronic Smoking:

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Smoking causes endothelial dysfunction, an early event of Atherosclerosis. It is mediated through mainly oxidative stress process. Two weeks of therapy with this medicinal herb leads to reversal of impaired function in endothelium of smokers.


Use Terminalia arjuna For:

  1. Hypertension & Tachycardia where heart beat is increased. Use it as adjuvant or alternative medicine in consultation with qualified herbalist.
  2. For increased level of cholesterol in blood - Hypercholesterolemia.
  3. As a cardiac protective and supportive herbal supplement.
  4. Get informed by reading the various pages related to Terminalia arjuna.
  5. You can take two tablet twice or thrice a day or as suggested by some qualified herbalist. Each 550 mg tablet contains 500 mg of bark powder and 50 mg of bark extract (10:1).
Tag: | Alternative Medicine | | Terminalia Arjuna | | Herbal Medicine | | Remedy for Breast Cancer | Traditional Medicine |

Ancient Remedies - Ayurvedic Herbal In Vedas:

Herbs have been popular and in use during ancient Vedic period. Herbs were known by the name 'Bhesaja' and herbalists were known by the name 'Bhisaka'. Medicinal herbs were given in the form of different herbal formulations.

Five herbal formulations are regarded as the elementary pharmaceutical preparations in ayurvedic medicine - expressed juice, paste or powder, decoction, cold infusion, hot infusion or tea. All of the advanced herbal preparation methods were derived from these five primary methods.

Five primary ayurvedic herbal formulation methods are found in Vedic literature as ancient remedies but their nomenclature and the exact terminology could not be found.

Ancient Remedies - Vedic Herbal Formulations:

Ancient Remedies And Expressed Juice:

Fresh and juicy or succulent herbs was taken and cut into small pieces, then the juice is expressed by pressing in a piece of cloth. Other more hard or woody herbs were first dipped in water and then their paste or decoction was prepared and filtered though a cloth to get expressed juice. Expressed juice had to be consumed immediately or within few hours.

Somarasa As King Of Ancient Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies:

Soma was considered as the most important herbal remedy in Vedic literature. Its expressed juice was used. If fresh Soma was not available, the stored Soma was cut into small pieces, and paste was prepared in mortar and pestle, water is added to its paste and then it was filtered by expressing in a cloth.

Paste And Ancient Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies:

The plant Silachi or Laksha was a great herb for wounds and injury resulting from arrows, axe or sticks. The paste of Laksha was used for topical application.

Decoction And Ancient Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies:

Ava ya was a toxic herb. Its expressed juice was boiled to remove its toxicity. This decoction was called Karambha and it was used to remove toxic discoloration of skin.


Kshirapaka is the decoction of herbs prepared in equal quantities of milk and water.

Fermentation And Ancient Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies:

The description of various kinds of wines is available in Vedas and indicates that people knew the process of fermentation.

The word 'Arista' is used in Atharvaveda for those medicinal wines that were used in various disorders. And we have the same term 'Arista' in ayurvedic medicine for those fermented autogenous alcohol containing preparations of herbs.

Hot Infusion or Herbal Tea:

Some herbs were given by preparing their hot infusion or tea. The addition of salt or sugar or jaggery or honey was common as adjuvant for improving taste.

Herbal Oils And Ancient Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies:

Many herbs were processed with oils or fats to get herbal oils. Herbal oils were used for topical application over skin and for internal use.

Vedic Dietary Preparations:

Vedic people knew very well about milk, curd, butter, clarified butter and various kinds of wines. Wines were used for intoxication as well for their medicinal purpose along with herbs.

Milk And Its Derivatives:

Curd is mentioned at several places in Vedas.

The books of 'Shatapatha Brahmana' mentions the term 'Gharmadudha' for a liquid made by mixing milk and curd.

The word 'Maitravaruni' is used for cheese in Vedas and 'Payasya' is used for cheese in Ayurvedic literature.

The term 'Vajina' was used for whey or buttermilk.

Navanita was used for butter.

Clarified butter or Ghee is a preparation of animal fat derived from boiling the butter. 'Aajya', 'Ghrita' and 'Ayuta' was used for clarified butter.

'Amiksha' word is used for sour milk or split milk.

Cereals And Beans:

Yava (Oat) was described in Rigveda. Yava, Masha and Tila (Sesame seeds) were mentioned in Atharvaveda. Yajurveda has the description of Masha, Tila, Brihi, Mudaga, Khalva, Priyangu, Shyamala, Neerava, Godhuma and Masura.

Roasted cereals were known such as pop corn of present time. 'Laja' was roasted paddy. 'Parivapa' was roasted black grams.

Flour of roasted food grains was known as 'Saktu'. It is still popular in country region of India.

Gruels or soups were also popular and were made with cereals like rice and beans.

Germinated grains were also used in food like Tokma (germinated paddy grains).

Cooked rice was also well known in ancient times of Vedas.

'Masara' was the beverage prepared by mixing yeast, grapes with water that is used to boil rice and millets. So ferments and fermented products were widely in use.

Blades of grass was also used as a food item.

Ashwagandha is one of the versatile ayurvedic herbal remedies
with adaptogenic, anti-stress, anti-anxiety, antioxidant, anticancer, immunity enhancing, rejuvenating and fertility and stamina enhancing properties.

It benefits our system in so many different ways that it will be better to use the word 'versatile herb' for this botanical of ayurvedic medicine. People call it Indian Ginseng.

Withania somnifera has been in use since thousands of years in Ayurveda. Most of its traditional uses have been validated by modern research in several ways. WS affects our mind and psychology and memory. Its effects are distinguished on nervous system and immune system.

It will be good to consider both traditional and ayurvedic properties and modern clinical herbal research approved benefits.
Traditional Uses Of Ashwagandha:

Most of these properties and benefits are taken from the literature of Ancient Ayurvedic Medicine.
Aphrodisiac Herb & Semen Quality Promoting Herb:

This herb exerts its aphrodisiac action by being an herbal rejuvenate and nerve's herb. It is able to tone up the nervous system additionally. The quality and quantity of semen is raised.

Withania somnifera is equally effective in females. It is not a stimulant herb that give good result in the short term and are not a healthier choice for the long term. WS is a good choice for dysmenorrhea associated with physical weakness.

Ashwagandha Holistic Herbal

ground almondshell

wallnut shell
coconut oil
cutch tree or khadira
emu oil
grape seed oil

spraiin home remedy

A sprain (from Middle French espraindre - to wring) is an injury to ligaments that is caused by being stretched beyond their normal capacity and possibly torn. A muscular tear caused in the same manner is referred to as a strain. In cases where either ligament or muscle tissue is torn, immobilization and surgical repair may be necessary. Ligaments are tough, fibrous tissues that connect bone to bone across the joints. Sprains can occur in any joint but are most common in the ankle. [1]


  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Decreased ability to move the joint
  • If the ligament is ruptured, one may hear a popping sound
  • Difficulty using the affected extremity
  • deep pain


The diagnosis of sprain injury is made by a physical examination. In most cases an x-ray of the affected joint is obtained to ensure that there are no fractures. If a tear in the ligament is suspected, then an MRI is obtained. MRI is usually ordered after swelling has subsided and can readily identify the presence of a ligament injury. [2].


Sprains typically occur when the joint is overextended. This can cause over stretching of the ligament, tear or rupture the ligament. [3]

Joints involved

Although any joint can experience a sprain, some of the more common include:

Risk factors

There are certain factors which increase risk of sprains. [5] Fatigue of muscles generally leads to sprains. When one suddenly starts to exercise after a sedentary lifestyle, sprains are quite common. Not warming-up is the most common cause of sprains in athletes. Warming-up loosens the joint, increases blood flow and makes the joint more flexible. Poor conditioning of the body can also lead to sprains.

Diagnosis of sprains is not difficult but in most cases x-rays are obtained to ensure that there is no fracture. In many cases, if the injury is prolonged, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is performed to look at surrounding soft tissues and the ligament [6]


The first modality for a sprain can be remembered using the acronym RICE.[7] The treatment of sprains depends on the extent of injury and the joint involved. Medications like non steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs can relieve pain. Weight bearing should be gradual and advanced as tolerated. [8]

  • Rest: The sprain should be rested. No additional force should be applied on site of the sprain. If, for example, the sprain were an ankle sprain, then walking should be kept to a minimum.[9]
  • Ice: Ice should be applied immediately to the sprain to minimize swelling and ease pain. It can be applied for 20-30 minutes at a time, 3-4 times a day. Ice can be combined with a wrapping to minimize swelling and provide support.[9]
  • Compression: Dressings, bandages, or ace-wraps should be used to immobilize the sprain and provide support.[9]
  • Elevate Keeping the sprained joint elevated above heart level will also help to minimize swelling.[9]

Ice and compression (cold compression therapy) will not completely stop swelling and pain, but will help to minimize them as the sprain begins to heal itself. Careful management of swelling is critical to the healing process as additional fluid may pool in the sprained area.

The joint should be exercised again fairly soon, in milder cases from 1 to 3 days after injury.[10][10] Special exercises are sometimes needed in order to regain strength and help reduce the risk of ongoing problems. The joint may need to be supported by taping or bracing, helping protect it from re-injury.

Functional rehabilitation

After any sprain, proper rehabilitation is a must; especially when the injury has been severe. After acute treatment, a rehabilitation program is critical in speeding recovery of the joint. Lack of rehabilitation can often delay return to normal function for months. [11]

The other error most people make is to use prolonged immobilization. This usually leads to muscle atrophy and stiff joint. The components of an effective rehabilitation for all sprain injuries include increasing range of motion and progressive muscle strengthening exercise. [12]

On January 18, 2008, the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (representing botanic gardens in 120 countries) stated that "400 medicinal plants are at risk of extinction, from over-collection and deforestation, threatening the discovery of future cures for disease." These included Yew trees (the bark is used for cancer drugs, paclitaxel); Hoodia (from Namibia, source of weight loss drugs); half of Magnolias (used as Chinese medicine for 5,000 years to fight cancer, dementia and heart disease); and Autumn crocus (for gout). The group also found that 5 billion people benefit from traditional plant-based medicine for health care[203]. Some herbalists are aware of this problem and substitute least concern species as a result.

Few herbal remedies have conclusively demonstrated any positive effect on humans, possibly due to inadequate testing.[72] Many of the studies cited refer to animal model investigations or in-vitro assays and therefore cannot provide more than weak supportive evidence.

  • Aloe vera has traditionally been used for the healing of burns and wounds.[73] A systematic review (from 1999) states that the efficacy of aloe vera in promoting wound healing is unclear, while a later review (from 2007) concludes that the cumulative evidence supports the use of aloe vera for the healing of first to second degree burns.[73][74]
  • Agaricus blazei mushrooms may prevent some types of cancer.[75]
  • Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) may reduce production cholesterol levels according to in vitro studies [76] and a small clinical study.[77]
  • Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) leaf has drawn the attention of the cosmetology community because it interferes with the metalloproteinases that contribute to skin wrinkling.[78]
  • Black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) may have a role in preventing oral cancer.[79][80][81]
  • Boophone (Boophone disticha) This highly toxic plant has been used in South African traditional medicine for treatment of mental illness [82]. Research demonstrate in vitro and in vivo effect against depression.[83][84][85]
  • Butterbur (Petasites hybridus)
  • Calendula (Calendula officinalis) has been used traditionally for abdominal cramps and constipation.[86] In animal research an aqueous-ethanol extract of Calendula officinalis[86] There is "limited evidence" that calendula cream or ointment is effective in treating radiation dermatitis.[87][88] flowers was shown to have both spasmolytic and spasmogenic effects, thus providing a scientific rationale for this traditional use.
  • Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) may be effective in treating urinary tract infections in women with recurrent symptoms.[89]
  • Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallida, Echinacea purpurea) extracts may limit the length and severity of rhinovirus colds; however, the appropriate dosage levels, which might be higher than is available over-the-counter, require further research.[90][91]
  • Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) may speed the recovery from type A and B influenza.[92]avian influenza because the immunostimulatory effects may aggravate the cytokine cascade.[93] However it is possibly risky in the case of
  • Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium) is sometimes used to treat migraine[94] Although many reviews of Feverfew studies show no or unclear efficacy, a more recent RTC showed favorable results[95][96][97] Feverfew is not recommended for pregnant women as it may be dangerous to the fetus.[98][99] headaches.
  • Gawo (Faidherbia albida), a traditional herbal medicine in West Africa, has shown promise in animal tests [100]
  • Garlic (Allium sativum) may lower total cholesterol levels[101]
  • German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) has demonstrated antispasmodic, anxiolytic, antiinflammatory and some antimutagenic and cholesterol-lowering effects in animal research.[102] In vitro chamomile has demonstrated moderate antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and significant antiplatelet activity, as well as preliminary results against cancer.[103][104] Essential oil of chamomile was shown to be a promising antiviral agent against herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) in vitro.[105]
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale), administered in 250 mg capsules for four days, effectively decreased nausea and vomiting of pregnancy in a human clinical trial.[106][107]
  • Grapefruit (Naringenin) components may prevent obesity.
  • Green tea (Camelia sinensis) components may inhibit growth of breast cancer cells[108]scars faster.[109] and may heal
  • Purified extracts of the seeds of Hibiscus sabdariffa may have some antihypertensive, antifungal and antibacterial effect. Toxicity tested low except for an isolated case of damage to the testes of a rat after prolonged and excessive consumption.[110]
  • Honey may reduce cholesterol.[111] May be useful in wound healing.[112]
  • Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus), administered daily as an aqueous extract of the fresh leaf, has lowered total cholesterol and fasting plasma glucose levels in rats, as well as increasing HDL cholesterol levels. Lemon grass administration had no effect on triglyceride levels.[113]
  • Magnolia
  • Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria, Spiraea ulmaria) can be used for a variety of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial purposes due to presence of salicylic acid. Effective for fevers and inflammations, pain relief, ulcers and bacteriostatic. Listed as therapeutical in 1652 by Nicholas Culpeper. In 1838, salicylic acid was isolated from the plant. The word Aspirin is derived from spirin, based on Meadowsweet's synonym name Spiraea ulmaria.[114]
  • Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) extracts have been recognized for many centuries as "liver tonics.".[115] Research suggests that milk thistle extracts both prevent and repair damage to the liver from toxic chemicals and medications.[116]
  • Morinda citrifolia (noni) is used in the Pacific and Caribbean islands for the treatment of inflammation and pain.[117] Human studies indicate potential cancer preventive effects.[118]
  • Nigella sativa (Black cumin) has demonstrated analgesic properties in mice. The mechanism for this effect, however, is unclear. In vitro studies support antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects.[119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130] However few randomized double blind studies have been published.
  • Ocimum gratissimum[131][132] and tea tree oil can be used to treat acne.
  • Oregano (Origanum vulgare) may be effective against multi-drug resistant bacteria.[133]
  • Pawpaw can be used as insecticide (killing lice, worms).[134],[135]
  • Peppermint oil may have benefits for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome.[136][137]
  • Phytolacca or Pokeweed can be applied topically or taken internally. Topical treatments have been used for acne and other ailments. It is used as a treatment for tonsilitis, swollen glands and weight loss.[citation needed]
  • Pomegranate contains the highest percentage of ellagitannins of any commonly consumed juice. Punicalagin, an ellagitannin unique to pomegranate, is the highest molecular weight polyphenol known.[138] Ellagitannins are metabolized into urolithins by gut flora, and have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth in mice.[138][139]
  • Rauvolfia Serpentina, high risk of toxicity if improperly used[citation needed], used extensively in India for sleeplessness, anxiety, and high blood pressure.[140]
  • Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) contains a number of phenolic compounds, including flavanols, flavones, flavanones, flavonols, and dihydrochalcones.[141] Rooibos has traditionally been used for skin ailments, allergies, asthma and colic in infants.[142] In an animal study with diabetic mice, aspalathin, a rooibos constituent improved glucose homeostasis by stimulating insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells and glucose uptake in muscle tissue.[143]
  • Rose hips – Small scale studies indicate that hips from Rosa canina may provide benefits in the treatment of osteoarthritis.[144][145][146] Rose hips show anti COX activity.[147]
  • Salvia lavandulaefolia may improve memory[148]
  • Saw Palmetto can be used for BPH. Supported in some studies,[149] failed to confirm in others.[150]
  • Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes) are edible mushrooms that have been reported to have health benefits, including cancer-preventing properties.[151] In laboratory research a shiitake extract has inhibited the growth of tumor cells through induction of apoptosis.[151]antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi in vitro.[152][153] Both a water extract and fresh juice of shiitake have demonstrated
  • Soy and other plants that contain phytoestrogens (plant molecules with estrogen activity) (black cohosh probably has serotonin activity) have some benefits for treatment of symptoms resulting from menopause.[154]
  • St. John's wort, has yielded positive results, proving more effective than a placebo for the treatment of mild to moderate depression in some clinical trials[155] A subsequent, large, controlled trial, however, found St. John's wort to be no better than a placebo in treating depression[156] However, more recent trials have shown positive results[157][158][159] or positive trends that failed significance.[160] A 2004 meta-analysis concluded that the positive results can be explained by publication bias[161] but later analyses have been more favorable.[162][163] The Cochrane Database cautions that the data on St. John's wort for depression are conflicting and ambiguous.[164]
  • Stinging nettle In some clinical studies effective for benign prostatic hyperplasia[165] and the pain associated with osteoarthritis.[166] In-vitro tests show antiinflammatory action.[167] In a rodent model, stinging nettle reduced LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol.[168] In another rodent study it reduced platelet aggregation.[169]
  • Valerian root can be used to treat insomnia. Clinical studies show mixed results and researchers note that many trials are of poor quality.[170][171][172]
  • Vanilla
  • Willow bark (Salix alba) can be used for a variety of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial purposes due to presence of salicylic acid and tannins. Has been in use for aprox. 6000yrs and was described in the 1st century AD by Dioscorides.[114]

The exact composition of a herbal product is influenced by the method of extraction. A tisane will be rich in polar components because water is a polar solvent. Oil on the other hand is a non-polar solvent and it will absorb non-polar compounds. Alcohol lies somewhere in between. There are many forms in which herbs can be administered, these include:

  • Tinctures - Alcoholic extracts of herbs such as Echinacea extract. Usually obtained by combining 100% pure ethanol (or a mixture of 100% ethanol with water) with the herb. A completed tincture has a ethanol percentage of at least 25% (sometimes up to 90%).[67]. The term tincture is sometimes applied to preparations using other solvents than ethanol.
  • Herbal wine and elixirs - These are alcoholic extract of herbs; usually with an ethanol percentage of 12-38% [67] Herbal wine is a maceration of herbs in wine, while an elixir is a maceration of herbs in spirits (e.g., vodka, grappa, etc.)
  • Tisanes - Hot water extracts of herb, such as chamomile.
  • Decoctions - Long-term boiled extract of usually roots or bark.
  • Macerates - Cold infusion of plants with high mucilage-content as sage, thyme, etc. Plants are chopped and added to cold water. They are then left to stand for 7 to 12 hours (depending on herb used). For most macerates 10 hours is used.[67]
  • Vinegars - Prepared at the same way as tinctures, except using a solution of acetic acid as the solvent.
  • Topicals:
    • Essential oils - Application of essential oil extracts, usually diluted in a carrier oil (many essential oils can burn the skin or are simply too high dose used straight – diluting in olive oil or another food grade oil such as almond oil can allow these to be used safely as a topical).[68]
    • Salves, oils, balms, creams and lotions - Most topical applications are oil extractions of herbs. Taking a food grade oil and soaking herbs in it for anywhere from weeks to months allows certain phytochemicals to be extracted into the oil. This oil can then be made into salves, creams, lotions, or simply used as an oil for topical application. Any massage oils, antibacterial salves and wound healing compounds are made this way.
    • Poultices and compresses - One can also make a poultice or compress using whole herb (or the appropriate part of the plant) usually crushed or dried and re-hydrated with a small amount of water and then applied directly in a bandage, cloth or just as is.
  • Whole herb consumption - This can occur in either dried form (herbal powder), or freshjuice, (fresh leaves and other plant parts).
  • Syrups - Extracts of herbs made with syrup or honey. Sixty five parts of sugar are mixed with 35 parts of water and herb. The whole is then boiled and macerated for three weeks.[67]
  • Extracts - Include liquid extracts, dry extracts and nebulisates. Liquid extracts are liquids with a lower ethanol percentage than tinctures. They can (and are usually) made by vacuum distilling tinctures. Dry extracts are extracts of plant material which are evaporated into a dry mass. They can then be further refined to a capsule or tablet.[67] A nebulisate is a dry extract created by freeze-drying.
  • Inhalation as in aromatherapy can be used as a mood changing treatment[69][70] to fight a sinus infection or cough [71][citation needed], or to cleanse the skin on a deeper level (steam rather than direct inhalation here)[citation needed]
  • Apply fresh herb paste on skin.
  • Ground herb and boil in water such as herbal tea.

Use of medicinal plants can be as informal as, for example, culinary use or consumption of an herbal tea or supplement, although the sale of some herbs considered dangerous is often restricted to the public. Sometimes such herbs are provided to professional herbalists by specialist companies. Many herbalists, both professional and amateur, often grow or "wildcraft" their own herbs.

Some researchers trained in both western and traditional Chinese medicine have attempted to deconstruct ancient medical texts in the light of modern science. One idea is that the yin-yang balance, at least with regard to herbs, corresponds to the pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant balance. This interpretation is supported by several investigations of the ORAC ratings of various yin and yang herbs.[59][60]

In America, early settlers relied on plants imported from Europe, and also from local Indian knowledge. One particularly successful practitioner, Samuel Thomson developed a hugely popular system of medicine. This approach was subsequently broadened to include concepts introduced from modern physiology, a discipline called Physiomedicalism. Another group, the Eclectics, were a later offshoot from the orthodox medical profession, who were looking to avoid the then current medical treatments of mercury and bleeding, and introduced herbal medicine into their practices. Both groups were eventually overcome by the actions of the American Medical Association, which was formed for this purpose. Cherokee medicine tends to divide herbs into foods, medicines and toxins and to use seven plants in the treatment of disease, which is defined with both spiritual and physiological aspects, according to Cherokee herbalist David Winston.[61]

In India, Ayurvedic medicine has quite complex formulas with 30 or more ingredients, including a sizable number of ingredients that have undergone "alchemical processing", chosen to balance "Vata", "Pitta" or "Kapha."[62]

In Tamil Nadu, Tamils have their own medicinal system now popularly called the Siddha medicinal system. The Siddha system is entirely in the Tamil language. It contains roughly 300,000 verses covering diverse aspects of medicine such as anatomy, sex ("kokokam" is the sexual treatise of par excellence), herbal, mineral and metallic compositions to cure many diseases that are relevant even to-day. Ayurveda is in Sanskrit, but Sanskrit was not generally used as a mother tongue and hence its medines are mostly taken from Siddha and other local traditions.[63]

In addition there are more modern theories of herbal combination like William LeSassier's triune formula which combined Pythagorean imagery with Chinese medicine ideas and resulted in 9 herb formulas which supplemented, drained or neutrally nourished the main organ systems affected and three associated systems[citation needed]. His system has been taught to thousands of influential American herbalists through his own apprenticeship programs during his lifetime, the William LeSassier Archive[64] and the David Winston Center for Herbal Studies[65]. Different chemicals in herbs are more abundant than in a single drug. Some chemicals in herbs may work as growth hormones or anti-biotics, nutrients, and toxin neutralizers.

Many traditional African remedies have performed well in initial laboratory tests to ensure they are not toxic and in tests on animals. Gawo, a herb used in traditional treatments, has been tested in rats by researchers from Nigeria's University of Jos and the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development. According to research in the African Journal of Biotechnology, Gawo passed tests for toxicity and reduced induced fevers, diarrhoea and inflammation [6

A survey released in May 2004 by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine focused on who used complementary and alternative medicines (CAM), what was used, and why it was used. The survey was limited to adults, aged 18 years and over during 2002, living in the United States.

According to this survey, herbal therapy, or use of natural products other than vitamins and minerals, was the most commonly used CAM therapy (18.9%) when all use of prayer was excluded.[55][56]

Herbal remedies are very common in Europe. In Germany, herbal medications are dispensed by apothecaries (e.g., Apotheke). Prescription drugs are sold alongside essential oils, herbal extracts, or herbal teas. Herbal remedies are seen by some as a treatment to be preferred to pure medical compounds which have been industrially produced.[57]

In the United Kingdom, the training of medical herbalists is done by state funded Universities. For example, Bachelor of Science degrees in herbal medicine are offered at Universities such as University of East London, Middlesex University, University of Central Lancashire, University of Westminster, University of Lincoln and Napier University in Edinburgh at the present.

A 2004 Cochrane Collaboration review found that herbal therapies are supported by strong evidence but are not widely used in all clinical settings.[58]

A survey released in May 2004 by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine focused on who used complementary and alternative medicines (CAM), what was used, and why it was used. The survey was limited to adults, aged 18 years and over during 2002, living in the United States.

According to this survey, herbal therapy, or use of natural products other than vitamins and minerals, was the most commonly used CAM therapy (18.9%) when all use of prayer was excluded.[55][56]

Herbal remedies are very common in Europe. In Germany, herbal medications are dispensed by apothecaries (e.g., Apotheke). Prescription drugs are sold alongside essential oils, herbal extracts, or herbal teas. Herbal remedies are seen by some as a treatment to be preferred to pure medical compounds which have been industrially produced.[57]

In the United Kingdom, the training of medical herbalists is done by state funded Universities. For example, Bachelor of Science degrees in herbal medicine are offered at Universities such as University of East London, Middlesex University, University of Central Lancashire, University of Westminster, University of Lincoln and Napier University in Edinburgh at the present.

A 2004 Cochrane Collaboration review found that herbal therapies are supported by strong evidence but are not widely used in all clinical settings.[58]